Monday, October 3, 2011

Subscription Advantage Pack for 3ds Max Design, 3ds Max, and Maya 2012 Available

The Subscription Advantage Pack for Autodesk® 3ds Max®2012, Autodesk® 3ds Max® Design 2012, Autodesk® Maya® 2012, Autodesk®Softimage® 2012, Autodesk® Mudbox® 2012, Autodesk® Entertainment Creation Suites 2012, and Autodesk® Smoke® 2012 for Mac OS® X software are now available through the Autodesk Subscription Center.

Feature highlights:
  • ActiveShade support for iray® renderer
  • Adobe® Photoshop® and After Effects® interoperability
  • New render pass system

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Autodesk Videos

Here are some links to recently released corporate videos from Autodesk - some pretty nice imagery!!



Better by Design

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stop the Cap!

More than 160,000 ordinary Canadians have signed a petition telling telecom companies to back off their Internet Overcharging schemes. The NDP has adopted an anti-Overcharging position, and now, an ally of ours, is spearheading an effort to get the larger Liberal Party involved in the fight against Internet ripoffs.
Deep pocketed cable and phone companies have invaded Ottawa with their lobbyists and friends to try and keep your broadband bill as high as possible. We can trump their hand, but only if you get involved.
With Canadian government pressure, the CRTC will fold like a wet newspaper. Openmedia is trying to collect a historic 200,000 signatures, and starting today every signature will send e-mail to the inbox of Michael Ignatieff and Liberal Party Digital Critic Pablo Rodriguez, encouraging them to join the fight.
If you don’t want to pay through the roof for your broadband, hurry and add your name to the petition. Ottawa has been surprised by the backlash from everyday consumers from BC to PEI. Now let’s deliver the death blow to Internet Overcharging and tell Bell, Rogers, and Shaw to enjoy the fat profits they already earn, and stop the gouging.
Action Alert — Canada’s Internet Ripoff Goes to Parliament: Get Involved – Click Here!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ecotect Analysis Software Price Reduction

Autodesk announces a price reduction on it’s Ecotect Analysis software as of February 1st.  The price is being reduced from US$3,000 to US$1,500.  Ecotect Analysis software includes Autodesk Green Building Studio software as a Subscription entitlement.  the annual Subscription rates are also reduced to US$360 per license.