Vault Professional is data management software which helps organize, manage,
and track data creation, simulation, and documentation processes for design,
engineering, and construction teams. Vault Pro gives you more control over
design data with revision management capabilities and quickly find and reuse
design data, for easier management of your design and engineering information.
Autodesk Buzzsaw is a leading
cloud-based document, design, and model management solution for centralizing
and more securely exchanging project information across companies, disciplines,
and locations. Buzzsaw helps enable Building Information Modeling (BIM)
workflows with tools for documentation, modeling, and data management. Access
Buzzsaw securely from your desktop, the web, or your mobile device.
Now with Subscription to Autodesk Vault
Professional, users of Vault Pro are entitled to an Autodesk Buzzsaw site with
an equivalent number of Buzzsaw users. The Buzzsaw Benefit Form requires
a valid Buzzsaw site name. To create and validate a Buzzsaw site name
through the Buzzsaw trial site mechanism, go here.