Monday, March 23, 2009

Subscription Auto Fulfillment of 2010 products

If you have your licenses on active Subscription, your 2010 Auto Fulfillment is going to be offerred to you this year via download.  You will have the option to download, download and still get hard copy of the product shipped to you, or request that only a hard copy get shipped to you (ie. no download).  Below is a sample of the email your Subscription Contract Administrator will be recieving in this regard:

Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 9:40 AM
Subject: Autodesk Upgrade and Licensing Information
Importance: High


This is an outgoing mailbox only, please do not reply. If you have questions or need help, click here.

Autodesk Subscription

Your Upgrade is Available

This information is required for product activation, please retain for your records

AUTOCAD 2010 English, International Commercial Product Upgrade WINDOWS From AutoCAD 2009 is now available for download!

One of the benefits of Subscription is the immediate availability of the latest release of Autodesk products. We are pleased to announce that your Subscription upgrade for AUTOCAD 2010 English, International Commercial Product Upgrade WINDOWS From AutoCAD 2009 is now available for download from Subscription Center.

Download Your Upgrade!*

Obtaining your Subscription Upgrade

To receive your upgrade, simply log into Subscription Center and follow the instructions for download. If you prefer, you can log into Subscription Center and select to have the product shipped to you.

Important Activation Code

When installing your product, you will be required to obtain an activation code. To obtain an activation code, you must provide the serial number(s) and product key listed in this email.

Serial Number Information

Your subscription upgrade is for the following products:

Serial Number

Product Key

Previous Serial Number(s)

Total Seats





In an effort to simplify software management and deployment, your products may have been consolidated into one new serial number. That serial number may be used for installation of all seats within that serial number.

Download Permission Information

Contract Managers and Software Coordinators - you can share full product download functionality with all of your Subscription users, allowing them immediate access to the electronic Product Library.

Simply log into the Subscription Center Contract Administration, go to View / Edit Users, locate the user(s), click Edit and grant them permissions to File Downloads. Be sure to provide your users with the Subscription Serial Number(s) and Product Key(s) that they will need for installation and activation.

*If your company has restricted access to the Internet, you may not be able to download your upgrade and you will need to contact the Autodesk Business Center to request a physical media shipment. Copy and paste the "Recipient Information" section from the bottom of this email, which will allow us to easily locate you, and send this information via an email to

Thank you for choosing Subscription for your Autodesk products.

Subscription Center Login

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Download Your Upgrade

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Subscription Guide

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Questions? Need Help?

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Autodesk, Inc. • 111 McInnis Parkway • San Rafael, CA 94903
Use of your Subscription is governed by the Terms and Conditions.
Please note that you cannot unsubscribe from email that is required to properly service your Autodesk Subscription contract.

Recipient Information
[Company Name:]
[First Name:]
[Last Name:]
[AUTOCAD 2010 English, International Commercial Product Upgrade WINDOWS From AutoCAD 2009]

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